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Transit - Mobile App

Transit is a mobile app that delivers real-time schedules and alerts for various public transportation modes like bus and rail, enabling users to conveniently plan and initiate their trips.

My Role

UX Designer (4 weeks)


2 Classmates

My contribution

  • Plan usability testing and user interview. 

  • Redesign the feature "Start a trp" incorporating the feedback.

Overview of the project

Based on a qualitative study conducted its been identified that new users found the application's features confusing, and existing users struggled with functionality, leading to user drop-offs.


Usability testing was carried out for two major revenue generating features of the app. This method was chosen to identify what "confusing" and "struggling" meant for the users.


Enhancing user onboarding through improved clarity and goal-driven interfaces, is expected to solve the problem of "confusion" thereby  increasing user adoption. 

Feature I was responsible 
Start a trip

This feature displays a user's trip plan and assists them in navigating throughout their journey to successfully reach their destination.

Final Outcome
Projected Impact


Increase user adoption and engagement.


Improved discoveribility of features hence boosting business.


Improved task efficiency leading to higher satisfaction rates.

User Profiling

We started the project with visiting product reviews on google play store and Apple store to understand the user base for better context and also identify pain points.

Secondary research insights

Users for the application can broadly be divided in two categories​

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)

Ellipse 1

New International students

Product & team constraints

Negative comments were recorded and grouped based on the similarity.

Painpoints overview

Based on the above studies, below represents the pain points for two major groups.

Leads high drop-off's and missed market opportunities

losing loyal users

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)

" I struggle to understand the app and it takes lot of time to understand my trip details."

Ellipse 1

New International students

"The app has very poor way of showing the information to me.

But I still use it as I believe it gives me better trip plans than google"

Design Strategy

Every 6 months, a significant number of international students arrive in the US for education and predominantly depend on public transportation. This presents a substantial opportunity for our product to attract a large user base. Our approach to redesign is as follows:

Step 1

Design an experience to reduce new user drop-off's

Step 2

Extend the same solutions to local existing users while improving the interface's intuitiveness.

Redesign - 1

Desiging a goal focused homepage.





New design of the homepage enables users to schedule a trip or initiate destination search, which aligns with the mental modal of the users. 

Additionally, we also show the most vistied locations.

Pain point

The homepage, increase the cognitive load by displaying all the buses available and with random names delaying the decision making  for the user. 

Ellipse 1

New International students

Pain point

Users new to the area cannot relate to the names of the bus stops. 

The homepage doesn't show the distance to the bus stop hence delaying the decision process of the users.

Ellipse 1

New International students


New Design

Old Design


The new goal oriented approach showcases the users nearest stops instead of buses and a new feature is added.

Redesign -2

Faster decision making for selecting a trip.

iPhone 14 - 24.png
WhatsApp Image 2022-10-10 at 11.38 2.png





- Added the "Now" at the home page.

- Qucik actions such as "+15sec"

Pain point

"Leave now"  a very useful feature was

not discoverable to the user.

Ellipse 1

New International students

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)

Pain point

User misinterprets as reaching the stop in 20 mins

Ellipse 1

New International students

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)


New Design

Old Design


Pain point

More opportunity to present information that helps the user. 

Ellipse 1

New International students

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)


Improved Visualisation and keeping it consistent with google maps. 
(Recognition vs recall).



New layout offers content thats aids in quick decision making.

Redesign -3

Better readable format for trip details.

iPhone 14 - 36.png
WhatsApp Image 2022-10-10 at 12.05 2.png





Visual cue as time updates to reduce anxiety.

Pain point

No indication of the current statu which makes it difficult for the user to relate while travelling. 

Ellipse 1

New International students

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)

Pain point

Users often get confused with two times.
Although I see the importance of two times, it has been shown differently in new design.

Ellipse 1

New International students

Ellipse 3

Local users (USA)


New Design

Old Design


Improved visual hierarchy of the page to support faster reading.



Improved signficance by adding animation and button placement near the thumb.

Usability Testing

Using the final design prototype, we measured its performance by conducting a usability testing with a user group similar to the criteria we set for the first evaluation.

Less than 5 number of errors

 Satisfaction level rate 9/10

Average time taken to complete the tasks is less than 10 secs.

8 out of 9 participants completed the tasks as expected.



Having a diverse group of participants with different level of app experience revealed distinct app interactions at each level.


Conducting user interviews was a valuable excercise in both question framing and gaining important perspectives.


This project highlighted my biases that affected user research. Learnt how to be conciously aware them and reiterated the studies to gather relevant insights.

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